Dec 242016

I am a fraid to say that today Malcolm lost  his battle with cancer. He passed away at 1.35 this afternoon.

The family had been with him since 10 p.m. last night and it was lovely to reminice with him and play some of his own songs and also to play The Moldau by Smetna his favouiritre piece of music.

He was a wonderful  honest gentleman whom I married 47 years ago. Neither of us had any regrets and he died a completely  fulfilled man ready to meet  with God.

I will write one more blog after Chrsitmas to let you know dates and times of his funeral and celebration service.

Safe in the  arms of Jesus. As our eldest son said  he is now a foot taller with no scoliosis or cancer or arthritis.  Goodnight my love.



  8 Responses to “Over and Out”

  1. Malcolm was a lovely chap and great to work with. Even though I did not know him for very long either, his sense of humour and generosity of spirit were obvious; it just won’t be the same working without him.
    I read this just as I was turning my computer off on Christmas Day, it was nice to be able to think of him then. Sending lots of love to you Beryl and all of your family.
    Sarah x

  2. Dear Beryl, what a great chap your husband was. Now he is home with a glorious new body ! Sad days ahead but wheel barrows full of happy memories to warm your heart. Prayers and thougts winging their way to you, now , or soon you can rest too. God bless you and continue to sustain you and yours. Love Marion

  3. R.I.P. Malcolm – how courageous he’s been over this past year, and Beryl you’re in our thoughts, you
    too have been so brave and strong for Malcolm. We feel privileged to have known him albeit briefly.
    With our love

    Kath and Peter

  4. I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. Malcolm and I have never met but were electronic chums on the IPSE forums. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.

  5. We are so sorry for you loss Beryl, but he’s now walking tall and pain free x

  6. Dear Beryl and family, I can only send you all my love, respect and strength for the days ahead. I have not known Malcolm well or for long but this is clear. He was a lovely, decent, clever, funny, compassionate man .Brave and determined too. He will always be with you. I’m so glad I knew him.

    Liz xxxxxx

  7. Our hearts are with you today Beryl. It was a brave fight for life but Malcolm now has that perfect life, promised to him from the moment he first believed. Our prayers are now for you as you face the days ahead, we are thankful you have such an amazing family around you at this time. Much love x

  8. I am so sorry to hear of Malcolm’s passing. His courage was inspiring and he will be missed in the faceblind Yahoo group.

    Could you send a post to tell them of his passing? If you prefer, I will just forward your post above to them.

    You and your family are in my prayers at this difficult time.

    Rosie Conrad

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