A Love Song, to my Wife


I wrote this for my wife, on her 60th birthday.

We did it as a surprise for her birthday party. We had someone doing some folk songs, and this was one of them.
She guessed what was going on somewhere about the middle of Verse 3.

It goes to the tune of “Ar Hyd Y Nos” – All Through the Night.


Fair she was when we were younger
My wife my love
And for her sweet lips I’d hunger
My wife my love.
Through the years her love still blesses
Her lips, her eyes, her lovely tresses
And with joy, her sweet caresses
My wife my love.

Love she has as deep as oceans,
My wife my love,
Beauty needs no paints or lotions
My wife my love
When I was in pain and sorrow
Then from her new strength I’d borrow
Till the promised new tomorrow
My wife my love.

Sons she gave me, strong and hearty
My wife my love
Here to celebrate her party
My wife my love
I can stand with you beside me
And my heart will sing inside me
Joy that one day God did guide me
To you my love.

Love was sweet when we were twenty
Beryl my love
Still in you I’ve joys aplenty
Beryl my love.
Forty years have passed so quickly
Never did our love grew sickly
So come kiss me sweet and sixty
My wife my love.

copyright Malcolm Cowen 2008

 Posted by at 9:20 am

  One Response to “A Love Song, to my Wife”

  1. That is so so lovely!
    Beryl must frame that poem!
    So beautiful it is!

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