Dhoon Glen


This wa written in Dhoon Glen in the Isle of Mann, which is very beautiful.

It goes to Waley Waley.

The beauty of the Lord is like
A glade pierced by the summer sun
A thousand small perfections meet
And blend in him, the perfect One

The working of the Lord is like
A glen of rivulets flowing clear
Creating lovely harmony
And driving out all doubt and fear

The Mercy of the Lord is like
A mountain stream in springtime flood
That bursts all bounds, that must be free
And flows urged on by Jesu’s blood

How can we praise our mighty God
As he deserves so great is he
Our Maker and Redeemer, King
The Lord of all Eternity


copyright Malcolm Cowen 1968

 Posted by at 4:42 pm

  One Response to “Dhoon Glen”

  1. Amen <3
    I love the Lord Jesus
    He is the light of our life
    He is the love in my life

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