To Ode to Joy


No special source for this one, except that I like Beethoven’s Ode to Joy

Jesus we have come to honour
And to praise and worship you
You’re our Saviour and we give you
Hearts and lives in service true.
Mighty King, Eternal Saviour
Lord of all the years to be
Son of God, in love and pity
Come to earth to set us free

Jesus what we have to offer
Here we bring before your feet.
Trusting in your full redemption
Promised at your mercy seat.
You’re our Lord, and our Redeemer
Nailed for us upon a tree
Bearing all our guilt and darkness
Making us for ever free.

Jesus You became our Brother,
Raising us to life anew
Made a people for your kingdom
From all lands to be with you.
Give us love towards each other.
Change our hearts to let us know
Freedom, unity and justice
in your church forever grow

copyright Malcolm Cowen 2008

 Posted by at 4:51 pm

  One Response to “To Ode to Joy”

  1. Amen

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