Dec 172016

Tiredness has kept me away from the blog lately. 7 hours visiting a day even not always talking but reading or doing cross words can be tiring. Especially as  I appear to have ricked my neck and am in pain myself at present. Any way enough of me.

News re Malcolm is still a rollercoaster as we are given conflicting reports re diagnonosis and treatment. Today he was put on 48 hours nil by mouth  and is on  a hydration drip to rest his digestive sysytem.  I helped him wash today and change his clothes and he had 8 other visitors today which was lovely and he cheered up quite a lot . 2 of our visitors came in dressed in red shiny  wigs which were amazing and gave way to a lot of hilarity. Quite confused the ward and staff as well.  Great fun. Why be sad all the time.  Lets laugh. We did.

He is now very tired and so this evening he slept most of visiting time  and I did crosswords. I like  word puzzles but not the cryptic ones. I am not that clever.

Any way we wait now until Monday when he gets looked at again. Tomorrow is a special day. All our grand kids are coming to the hospital for a special visit and photo with Taid  in the conservatory at Chrsities.  It is the right time to see him. Afterwards he will need to sleep again I am sure. But it will be worth it.

And so to bed.

  One Response to “A Tired Day (a wife’s tale continued)”

  1. Have checked regularly since Tuesday for news from you or Malcolm, so good to hear that the enjoyment of yesterday was a welcome respite in such difficult days – a little bit of ‘sunshine’ to warm the soul. Praying that your neck improves rapidly, the grandchildren’s visit is another highlight of the week for you both, great wisdom for the medical team in the coming week and a supernatural peace that covers the horribleness of this time with the certainty of God’s unfailing love, today and for all eternity x

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